As the parents and grandparents of MCPS students, we must say that we are confused about the brouhaha over what the position MCPS schools and officials should take on the Gaza war.
What are we missing? We don’t recall MCPS taking a stand on foreign policy issues, be they war or peace. In fact, we don’t recall MCPS issuing statements on wars our own country has waged. Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq?
Certainly the students can, at the discretion of teachers, discuss these issues in the relevant class. And they should feel comfortable and safe no matter what position they espouse.
But MCPS should no more take a position on a war in the Middle East than they should endorse presidential candidates.
Again, what are we missing? We cannot grasp why anyone would want or expect MCPS to involve itself in politics, not at home and not abroad.
Educating our children and keeping them physically safe and safe from any kind of bigotry is hard enough without adding extraneous burdens.
Mindy Rosenberg is a retired MCPS teacher and school counselor with over 30 years of experience. MJ Rosenberg is a retired Capitol Hill staffer and Jewish organizational professional.
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