Good morning, and welcome to This is our first day and our first post, so check back often as we develop the site. Oh, and take a look at the About Us page while you’re at it.
Here are your morning notes for Aug. 15, 2012…
Archaeologists make discovery at Josiah Henson Special Park – Archaeologists found evidence of a barn or blacksmith workshop on Monday at the North Bethesda park (11420 Old Georgetown Rd.). The structure may date back to the time of Josiah Henson, a former slave on the property whose autobiography inspired the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” [The Baltimore Sun]
Court delays county takeover of Brickyard Educational Farm – The Nick’s Organic Farm/Brickyard Educational Farm was to be evicted Thursday by Montgomery County, but on Tuesday a circuit court judge issued a stay until leasing issues could be worked out. The county contracted with a nonprofit youth soccer group to build soccer fields on the site, a move farm operators and community members alleged was done without proper public notification. [Potomac Patch]
With Bikeshare on the way, Leggett looking at bike safety – Bethesda and Chevy Chase will be among the first in Montgomery County to get Capital Bikeshare stations when they debut next spring. County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) said the county must promote bicycle safety and create new bike lanes to prepare. [The Gazette]
Flickr pool photo by ehpien