9115 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
The Auburn School grows the social and academic potential of bright students with social and communication challenges.
The Auburn School is an independent day-school with a specialized program that offers a stimulating educational program for intellectually engaged students with challenges in the areas of communication, socialization, language and organization. Auburn’s program simultaneously supports the development of academic skills, social competency and pragmatic language in an engaging educational environment. Our program is appropriate for students who can learn successfully and appropriately in a small classroom setting.
The Auburn School integrates social skills and pragmatic language development throughout the curriculum and school day using research-based programs and educational best-practices, and provides a challenging academic curriculum featuring multi-sensory instruction, research-based curriculum and appropriate student accommodations.
The Auburn School has campuses in Silver Spring and Chantilly, Virginia.
Grades: K-8
Gender: Co-ed
Total number of students: 65
Average class size: 10
Student/teacher ratio: 10:2
Religious affiliation: None
Seniors with National Merit recognition: N/A
Languages offered: N/A
Lowest tuition for 5-day students: Please inquire
Students receiving financial aid: 47%
Uniform: No
Bus transportation: No
Teacher retention rate: 90%
Theater productions per year: 1
Accreditations/Affiliations: AdvancEd/Mansef
Founded: 2011