Photo by Michael Ventura
Potomac resident and award-winning news anchor Leon Harris had faced adversity before, but once again he overcame tough times when he joined the NBC4 team last spring. In 2013, when he was a news anchor at ABC-7, Harris survived a life-threatening bout with acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Harris returned to work later that same year but his contract wasn’t renewed in 2016 after 13 years with the company. Harris started his career as an intern at CNN and rose to the role of news anchor, covering the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the 2000 presidential election and recount. He was part of the CNN team that won an Emmy for its coverage of 9/11, and he’s won two Local Emmys for Best Local News Anchor. Harris anchors NBC4 Washington weekday newscasts at 4 p.m. with Pat Lawson Muse.