Family & Education

Surviving Kindergarten

My son emerged from school glassy-eyed and wired, looking like my old college...

Math Problems

Nancy Feldman remembers trying to ease the anguish of a bright student as...

In a Class of Their Own

Jason McFeaters, Chorus, North Bethesda Middle SchoolThe 8:40 a.m. chorus class at North Bethesda...

Class of ’81

Mark PryorWalt Whitman High School student government presidentThe head of Walt Whitman’s senior class...

By the Book

In 1977, teacher Dianne Stevens stood with her class outside Rolling Ridge Elementary School...

Hired and Fired

The anxious lined up in front of a small table in cavernous Frank Acierno...
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Public vs. Private

As eighth-grade graduation approached, Carlyn Rosenblum faced the end of her nine years at...


Easy as Riding a BikeMary Boyle, BethesdaI couldn’t get the hang of teaching my...

World of Worries

There’s plenty to worry about in our mixed-up world—and being a parent brings a...

Parents’ Worst Nightmare

It was just a wrong turn—taking a left instead of a right onto Route-175...

Equal but Separate?

Jake Sandler and Alex Lamothe were best friends at Westland ...

That Empty Feeling

There’s a framed photo in our living room that my husband, John Muncie, knows...
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