Bethesda Magazine

Stories by this Author

Summer's Over

Faster than you can process the sentence “Uh, mom, I think maybe I was...

Short Takes: Top Five Reasons I'm Ready for School to Start

1. All my kids' friends are on vacation. 2. Camp is over. Need I say more?...

Open Letters to the Olympians

Dear Olympians: You are killing me. I just can’t take it anymore. I am too...

The Seven Stages of Vacation Packing

Stage One: Short-lived Cheer We're going on vacation in a week! Unfortunately, I still have to...

Short Takes: I Love You, Mom

Short takes: I remember when she cried when I left and screamed for joy when...

While Your Child is Away at Camp

Conversation with my husband while looking at the photos posted by my daughter’s sleepaway...

Packing for Sleepaway Camp

A few days before my daughter leaves for sleepaway camp, I print out the...

Short Takes: Parking Woes

Attempting to park in Bethesda at 7:00 p.m. is testimony to the triumph of optimism...

Katy Perry: Living a Tweenage Dream

My tween daughter and her friends have had no shortage of strong female role...

Short Takes: What next?

Dear 21st Century: We really, really missed you. It was bad enough without the electricity and...

The Power Outage of 2012

I woke up to one of the most disturbing sounds a homeowner can hear:...

Eating Out Again During the Power Outage? Cut Costs with these Kids' Meal Deals

As the food rots in our fridge, and little to no ice to be...

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