Amy Brecount White

Stories by this Author

From Bethesda Magazine: The Wright places to travel

Explore architectural masterpieces by Frank Lloyd Wright amid the natural beauty of Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands region

The buzz on native bees

Don't let honeybees steal the spotlight from MoCo's own

MoCo residents, communities build beautiful and biodiverse rain gardens

Conservation landscaping helps manage heavy stormwater issues and promote native plants

Plant parenthood takes root

Millennials are fueling a houseplant craze, with shops and nurseries sprouting up across Montgomery County

How to create a backyard oasis

Gabby and Mike Coan of Cabin John were hit hard by repercussions from the...

9 things to do in Rock Creek Park

1. Be an ID expert Identify hundreds of plants, critters and fungi with a quick...

Relaxing made easy

Lingering over drinks by the firepit. Cooling off in a pool. Dinner in a...

To ski or not to ski

I’m at a ski resort, but I’m not skiing. Instead, I’m exploring the options...

Bridging the gap

On a sunny Saturday in June, Ohiopyle is a happy jumble of hikers, cyclists,...

Welcoming nature

When Chevy Chase residents Anna Holloway and Tejinder Singh built their new home in...

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