Montgomery County residents will be treated to a spectacle representing more than 80 years of aviation history when nearly 60 planes fly over the area Saturday.
Shortly before noon, 56 general aviation aircraft representing civilian noncommercial flight will depart Frederick Municipal Airport and head over the county on their way to Washington, D.C., according to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. The planes will fly along the Potomac River to the National Mall.
The planes are participating in the association’s “National Celebration of General Aviation D.C. Flyover,” which will feature aircraft “representing virtually every chapter of general aviation’s storied history,” the association said in a release. They will pass above the National Mall to “celebrate the value the general aviation industry has provided to our nation since 1939.”
“What a sight it will be to see the history of general aviation flying over the National Mall as [general aviation] has given this nation so much over the past many decades,” association President Mark Baker said in the release, noting the group is celebrating its 85th birthday this year.
Participating aircraft include planes from before World War II to seaplanes, those used for corporate and business aviation, technically advanced aircraft, homebuilt aircraft and airshow performers, the release said.
According to the association, the flyover will occur over one of the District’s most restricted flight zones and the event required permission from federal agencies. The planes will fly above the Lincoln Memorial, Independence Avenue and the Washington Monument.
The National Park Service announced the flyover in a social media post Thursday, noting the “permitted event is closely coordinated with the FAA, Secret Service, and other agencies.”
“We greatly appreciate the support from these partner agencies and getting the final approval was great news. We’re ready to go!” Mike Ginter, the association’s vice president of airports and state advocacy who will also serve as the air boss for the event, said in the release.