Kensington couple beats Guinness World Record for concert attendance

Plus: MoCo Latinas and Black women face largest pay gap in the state; County police made 13 DUI arrests over St. Patrick’s Day weekend

March 19, 2024 10:00 a.m.

Kensington couple Matthew and Tijan Brown are officially the couple who has attended the most concerts in one year, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. They went to 135 shows in 2023, and all of them took place in metropolitan Washington, D.C. [Washingtonian]

Montgomery County Latinas and Black women face largest pay gap in the state

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Montgomery County Latinas and Black women face the largest pay gap of any area in the state, according to a report from the Maryland Department of Labor. Latinas in the county, on average, earn 36 cents for every dollar earned by non-Hispanic white men. Black women earn 51 cents for every dollar, on average. [Montgomery Community Media]

Montgomery County police made 13 DUI arrests over St. Patrick’s Day

Montgomery County police made 13 DUI arrests and issued 129 traffic citations over St. Patrick’s Day weekend as part of a traffic enforcement initiative. [The MoCo Show]

Face of the Week

Today’s weather: Partly cloudy with a high of 51 degrees

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