Agenda Insights: County Council to discuss proposed Capital Improvement Program, Takoma Park zoning plans

Plus: Friedson to formally introduce economic development initiative

March 12, 2024 12:00 p.m.

Work sessions on the county’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for fiscal years 2025-2030 and the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan top the Montgomery County Council’s agenda this week.

The council will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday in the Stella Werner Council Office Building in Rockville for its regular weekly business meeting. Here’s what to expect:

Capital Improvement Program

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The council will review recommended projects for the upcoming CIP. The CIP is a six-year plan for capital improvements in the county that works in tandem with the county’s capital budget. It outlines the objectives of capital programs and their relationship to the county’s long-range development plans, recommendations for construction, and estimates of costs, revenue sources and impacts.

County Executive Marc Elrich (D) unveiled his proposed CIP and capital budget of $5.84 billion for fiscal years 2025-2030 in January.

Takoma Park Minor Master Plan

Councilmembers will take a straw vote on whether they plan to vote in favor of an amendment to the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan. The proposed change “re-envisions” the original 2000 master plan’s boundaries in the area that includes the Washington Adventist Hospital and Washington Adventist University campuses and the Erie Center, as well as multi-family properties, parks and the Takoma Park Community Center located along Maple Avenue, according to a county news release.

J.O.B.S. Initiative
Council President Andrew Friedson (D-Dist. 1) will formally introduce a $20 million special appropriation focused on creating jobs and supporting businesses.

Face of the Week

Friedson unveiled the Jobs, Opportunities and Business Support (J.O.B.S.) Initiative on Monday during a press conference. If approved, it would create three funds – a $10 million job creation fund, a $7 million innovation fund and a $3 million equity fund. The money for the funds would come from the county’s undesignated reserves in the fiscal 2024 budget, according to Friedson’s proposal.

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