State police to provide free steering wheel locks to Kia, Hyundai owners

Department says that vehicle thefts occur every 47 minutes in state

February 29, 2024 1:00 p.m.

Maryland State Police will distribute free steering wheel locks for Kia and Hyundai owners this weekend at the barracks in Rockville, according to a Wednesday release.

State residents who own a Hyundai or Kia that uses a key to start are eligible. Owners can bring their license and registration to the lobby of the barrack in Rockville at 7915 Montrose Road from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, police said in the release.

Distribution of the locks, which will also take place at barracks throughout the state, is limited to one per person and will continue while supplies last, according to the release.

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“Vehicle theft is a crime of opportunity,” Chris McDonold, executive director of the Maryland Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, said in the release. “Taking proactive steps to prevent vehicle theft is critical to safeguarding your personal property.”

According to a report from the Montgomery County Council, auto thefts increased from 1,401 in 2022 to 3,238 in 2023 in the county. Over the summer, Montgomery County police Cpt. Sean Gagen that the Hyundai and Kia brands of vehicle make up almost 50% of the stolen vehicles in the county.

John O’Donnell, president and CEO of Washington Area New Automobile Dealers Association (WANADA), told MoCo360 last year that viral videos are playing a role in auto thefts.

The Kia Boys videos featuring a group of young men explaining how to steal a Kia or Hyundai vehicle using a USB cable and a screwdriver spread nationally on social media.

On average, vehicle thefts occur every 47 minutes in Maryland, and they often happen in residential areas in the evening and early morning or in commercial areas around midday, the release said.

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In 50% of auto thefts, keys were left inside the vehicle and in 60% of cases, the vehicles were not locked, according to state police.

To avoid theft, state police advise people to lock their cars, take their keys with them, hide their valuables and use an anti-theft device.

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