Four-way tiebreaker coin toss sends Magruder boys team to basketball championship

Plus: Apply to summer jobs at MoCo Recreation job fairs; county library volunteers to read to youths

February 23, 2024 11:00 a.m.

A coin flip was conducted to determine the county championship participant from four basketball teams with the same record, eventually sending Magruder High School through.

Kennedy, Walt Whitman, and Bethesda-Chevy Chase high schools were also eligible, but lost out to the luck of the draw as four coins were tossed over a Zoom link. (MyMCMedia)

MoCo Recreation seeks job applicants

Montgomery County Recreation is seeking to make hires for a variety of summer jobs and announced the dates of several job fairs.

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The fairs will be held at several locations through February, March and April, offering seasonal positions including camp directors, camp counselors and lifeguards. (Source of the Spring)

‘Read Across America Week’ at county libraries

Public libraries in Gaithersburg, Wheaton and White Oak will be participating in “Read Across America Week.” Montgomery County Public Libraries is partnering with the Jewish Council for the Aging Heyman Interages Center to celebrate from March 2 to 6.

The reading program will pair JCA volunteers with children in kindergarten through third grade. Last year, over 20 adults volunteered. (MoCoShow)

Today’s weather: Mid-50s and cloudy.

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