A 24-year-old was convicted Friday for the 2022 murder of Jose Osvaldo Genao Romer, 22, in Rockville. Malik Jefferson of Silver Spring was found guilty of second-degree murder and use of a firearm in commission of a crime of violence and robbery.
On Feb. 17, 2022, Jefferson, along with his co-defendant, Jack Garcia, 20, of Silver Spring, who was convicted of murder in July, picked up the victim outside his residence and drove him to the location of the murder. Then, an attack ensued, which was picked up on a surveillance camera.
“This is yet another case of a marijuana deal gone bad in Montgomery County resulting in murder,” State’s Attorney John McCarthy said. “The purchasing of marijuana within the black-market, which continues to exist despite legal changes that have taken place in the state of Maryland, remains extremely dangerous.”
Jefferson’s sentencing is scheduled for May 8, and he faces up to 75 years in prison. [The MoCo Show]
County ramps up human trafficking awareness
Montgomery County officials are working to educate the public on the realities of human trafficking.
“Human trafficking cannot be solved by just police alone,” said Nick Augustine, assistant chief with the Montgomery County Police Department.
According to Augustine, there were about 30 reported cases of human trafficking in Montgomery County last year, but many cases go unreported, which means the number could be much higher. The county wants to work with local organizations and social workers to address the issue.
“It occurs through fraud, force and coercion,” Jodi Finkelstein, executive director of Montgomery County’s Commission for Women, said. [WTOP]
Board of Elections looking for election judges and poll workers
The Montgomery County Board of Elections is recruiting new election judges and poll workers ahead of the upcoming election.
The board will be participating in “Help America Vote” day on Jan. 30 by setting up stations at local libraries to help community members sign up to work elections. More information on time slots is available here.
Students age 16 and older are eligible to be poll workers. The board is looking for members of all political parties to serve as election judges, as well as people with bilingual proficiency in English and Spanish to work the polls. [Montgomery Community Media]
Today’s weather:
Mostly cloudy with a high of 46 degrees.
In case you missed it…
Kindergarten student at Cannon Road Elementary dies after COVID-19 hospitalization
Doctor convicted of sexually assaulting two patients in Silver Spring
MCPS investigator who alleged retaliation is restored to former position