Room & Board, a home furnishings store, will replace the Indian restaurant Tandoori Nights in Bethesda Row in the fall, according to a spokeswoman.
Room & Board is a chain of home furnishing stores that offers living room, dining room, bedroom and bathroom furnishings, according to a press release. It also offers home décor accessories.
The store will be Room & Board’s second location in the greater Washington region, joining another that opened in D.C. in 2010, according to the press release.
Room & Board will be at 7236 Woodmont Ave. in Bethesda Row, in the space that was occupied by Tandoori Nights, which closed on Friday, said Tara Bauer, of the public relations firm The Brand Guild.
She said the signage for Room & Board is supposed to go up on Tuesday.
“… Room & Board will be starting their rework of the space, so that they can open this fall,” she said.
Bauer didn’t know if Tandoori Nights was relocating.
Tandoori Nights opened in Bethesda in the summer of 2011, replacing Delhi Dhaba.
Tandoori Nights also has a Gaithersburg location, which is still open. Kumar Koli, an employee at the Gaithersburg restaurant, said on Monday that the Bethesda location had closed permanently, but he wasn’t sure if it would relocate and he would check with the owner.
Dan Schere can be reached at