Montgomery County improves to seven of nine recovery benchmarks met

Standard reached for decrease in COVID-19 deaths

June 7, 2020 4:43 p.m.

Montgomery County showed additional progress over the weekend by hitting an additional benchmark in its recovery plan.

As of Saturday, the county had increased from six benchmarks met to seven, out of a possible nine.

The county updates its benchmark data by 2 p.m. each day. The data posted Saturday afternoon were:

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  • Number of new confirmed positive cases each day: 233 (three-day average); 6 declining days out of the last 14
  • Number of COVID-19 new deaths each day: 7 (three-day average); 14 declining days
  • COVID-19-related hospitalizations: 284 (three-day average); 14 declining days
  • Number of COVID-19-related emergency room patients: eight (three-day average); 14 declining days
  • COVID-19-related intensive-care unit hospitalizations: 106 (three-day average); 14 declining days
  • Acute care bed utilization rate: 71% (three-day average); the county benchmark of 70% or less has been met two of the last 14 days
  • Intensive Care Unit bed utilization date: 70% (three-day average); the county benchmark of 80% or less has been met 14 out of the last 14 days
  • Percentage of ventilators in use: 56% (three-day average); the county benchmark of 70% or less has been met 14 out of the last 14 days
  • Test positivity rate: 12% (three-day average); 14 declining days

The benchmark for new COVID-19 deaths stood at 13 out of 14 days as of Friday, but improved to 14 out of 14 days on Saturday.

Montgomery County had been hitting two out of nine benchmarks (and previously two out of seven) most days, then decided to change the methodology for how it measured progress.

Instead of comparing the three-day-rolling average from one day to the next, the county has started comparing one day’s three-day average to the three-day average 14 days ago, according to Dr. Travis Gayles, the county’s health officer.

The county has said it needed to meet its benchmarks or make substantial progress on them as it considers loosening restrictions.

Montgomery County moved into the first phase of its reopening on Monday. The state and most other jurisdictions advanced on Friday to a second phase.

Face of the Week

Data released by the Maryland Department of Health on Sunday morning show that Montgomery County has had 12,734 coronavirus cases, up 110 from Saturday.

The increase of a little less than 0.9% is the lowest Montgomery County has had in one day since the coronavirus pandemic started to escalate locally in mid-March.

Montgomery County had 617 confirmed COVID-19 deaths as of Sunday morning, up from 614 on Saturday.

The county also has recorded 39 “probable” deaths, in which COVID-19 is considered the cause on a death certificate but that hasn’t been confirmed by a laboratory test.

Overall, Maryland has now recorded 57,973 cases of COVID-19 — up .09% from Saturday.

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There have been 2,625 confirmed deaths and 124 probable deaths.

The state’s positivity rate was 7.63% as of Sunday morning.

There have been 306,830 negative tests, and 4,240 patients have been released from isolation.

The state has 1,003 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, with 599 in acute care and 404 in intensive care.

There have been 9,546 people hospitalized and 4,240 people released from isolation.

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