No wine or beer at Montgomery County’s newest liquor store
Montgomery County’s Alcohol Beverage Services has opened its first store selling only hard liquor.
The store is at 19710 Fisher Ave. in the Village Shopping Center in Poolesville. [WTOP]
County holding phase 1 reopening telephone town hall meeting
County Executive Marc Elrich will host a telephone town hall meeting on the phase 1 reopening on Thursday from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.
Elrich will be joined by Montgomery County Council President Sidney Katz; Dr. Travis Gayles, the county’s health officer; and Dr. Earl Stoddard, the county’s director of emergency management.
People can participate calling toll-free at 833-491-0335. [Montgomery County]
Clarksburg nonprofit hosts 7-day Ronstadt event for medical research
Music legend Linda Ronstadt, 73, was recently forced to retire due to a rare medical condition called progressive supranuclear palsy, which is similar to Parkinson’s disease.
So, the nonprofit BrightFocus Foundation in Clarksburg is hosting a virtual screening of the documentary “Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice” from June 4 to 10. [WTOP]
Today’s weather
Scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon, with a high around 91 and a low around 70
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