There are two statewide referendum questions this year.
The wording of each is below, followed by a summary of what it means.
State Question 1
Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 645 of the 2020 Legislative Session)
State Budget Process
The proposed amendment authorizes the General Assembly, in enacting a balanced budget bill for fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, to increase, diminish, or add items, provided that the General Assembly may not exceed the total proposed budget as submitted by the Governor. (Amending Article II Section 17 and Article III Sections 14 and 52 of the Maryland Constitution)
• For the Constitutional Amendment
• Against the Constitutional Amendment
Summary: The Maryland General Assembly currently can make cuts to a governor’s proposed operating budget, but may not add or reapportion any of the proposed expenditures. The proposed constitutional amendment would allow the legislature to move money around and add to certain expenditures, as long as the overall amount of the proposed budget does not increase.
State Question 2
Commercial Gaming Expansion Referendum (Ch. 492 of the 2020 Legislative Session)
Expansion of Commercial Gaming — Sports and Event Wagering
Do you approve the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland to authorize sports and events betting for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education?
• For the Referred Law
• Against the Referred Law
Summary: This proposal is to legalize betting on sports and other events in Maryland, with proceeds going toward education funding.