Planning Board To Consider Proposal for Two Apartment Buildings in Chevy Chase

Project would replace existing 41-unit apartment complex

November 21, 2018 1:00 p.m.

The Montgomery County Planning Board next week will review an application to develop two apartment buildings in Chevy Chase.

Proposed to be located on Newdale Road, just west of Connecticut Avenue and near the Capital Crescent Trail and future light-rail Purple Line, the Crescent at Chevy Chase project would allow for up to 129,742 square feet of development and would replace an existing apartment building with 41 units.

The board approved a sketch plan for the project in December 2017 that called for 130 dwelling units, but community members raised concerns about compatibility with nearby structures, so developers reduced the scope of the project to include 111 units, thus increasing the buildings’ setback from the rear property line to at least 37.5 feet, according to Planning Board documents.

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The two buildings would have a maximum height of 50 feet and each is designed to have its own parking space.

With a “deceptively simple design,” the buildings’ architecture would include materials found in surrounding single-family homes, such as brick, siding, masonry and stone, to ensure the structures would blend in with area buildings.

Plans, submitted by Newdale Mews, LLC., of Chevy Chase, also call for construction of a shared-use path that would connect the Capital Crescent Trail to Connecticut Avenue, including planting trees along the path and performing “off-site environmental enhancements to the Coquelin Run stream valley.”

The project is not expected to impact enrollment at nearby schools, according to submitted plans.

The board will review the site plan application at its next regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 29.

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