Montgomery Parks Names Capital Crescent Trail Plaza in Honor of Former County Executive Potter

Trail’s Bethesda rest area features sitting space, pergola

November 5, 2018 3:32 p.m.

Montgomery Parks celebrated the opening of a new plaza on the Capital Crescent Trail on Saturday, and named the space in honor of a former county executive.

Located on the trail’s crossing at River Road in Bethesda, the plaza was named after Neal Potter, who served six terms on the Montgomery County Council and was elected as county executive in 1990. A lifelong Montgomery County resident, Potter died in May 2008 of heart failure.

Construction began in February after a fundraising period for the plaza, which serves as a rest area for cyclists along the 11-mile trail and features a stone sitting wall, pergola and greenery.

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The plaza also honors the late David Burwell, co-founder of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, and the late Lee Wick Dennison of Chevy Chase, an avid trail user whose generous donation to the Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail helped support the construction of the plaza.

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