Alirio E. Martinez Jr.
Has not responded
• Campaign information:
- email:
*did not respond to additional questions
Ben Kramer
• Where you live: Derwood/Rockville
• Date of birth: March 5, 1957
• Current occupation and employer (may also list up to two other jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: Self-employed
• Political experience (public offices held and when, as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years: State delegate for 12 years
• Campaign information:
- email:
- website:
1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)
I am a candidate for the state Senate to continue the outstanding constituent service that residents of my district have come to expect from me.
I want to continue pursuing legislation to assist our elderly residents and our residents with differing abilities.
Consumer protection, economic development, transparency in government, education, transportation and animal welfare are all areas in which I will continue to work, to improve the lives of our residents.
2 – What is the most important issue in this race and what specific plans do you have to address it? (100 words max)
There are many important issues that our state and local government need to address. Much of the important work of governing that has historically occurred at the federal level is no longer happening. It is necessary for the state to take on this responsibility and pursue through legislation: economic and racial justice, public safety, healthcare, pay equity and job fairness regardless of gender. These are all issues that I have worked on during my tenure in the state legislature, and I will continue to do so should I be elected to serve in the Senate.
3 – What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly and what would you have done differently? (100 words max)
I am not aware of a particular issue that the Senate has handled poorly. As a member of the Senate, I will ensure that the concerns of the residents of Montgomery County are heard and addressed.
Serving in the House of Delegates, I have been a fierce advocate for our County and I will continue that advocacy for financial resources that our County needs, and should receive, to remain the economic engine of Maryland.
4 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)
I was born and raised in Montgomery County, and this is where I raised my family. I have been a small business owner/operator in the County for forty years. During that same time, I have been active in many community, nonprofit and civic organizations that serve our County’s residents.
I know our County and the needs of my legislative district. For the past twelve years, I have served our residents in the House of Delegates. Working with my colleagues in Annapolis has been a formula for success. As a consequence, I have passed many important bills.