State Senate District 17

February 13, 2018 3:51 p.m.


Josephine J. Wang

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• Where you live: Gaithersburg

• Date of birth: July 21, 1942

• Current occupation and employer (may also list up to two other jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: Retired Montgomery County Public Schools teacher. Part-time faculty at Montgomery College, teaching Mandarin and English as a second language.

• Political experience (public offices held and when, as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years: On Republican Central Committee. Ran for state delegate in District 17 in 2010.

• Campaign information:

Face of the Week

1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)

I am running because Governor Hogan needs a cohesive team to work him, so that he may deliver his long-term plan for Maryland.

2 – What is the most important issue in this race and what specific plans do you have to address it? (100 words max)

The most important issue is that Maryland does Not become a sanctuary state like California, where illegal immigrants are protected. Respect the law and order, so that everyone can have a safe community to grow and prosper. We do not need tent cities! If the Democrats want to look for votes from these future folks, that is just too pathetic. What about immigrants who came here legally? It’s a slap in our faces!

3 – What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly and what would you have done differently? (100 words max)

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The Senate has not fully cooperated with the Governor on various issues. The one that is so out of line is the Maryland state song being attacked. No one cares what the 9th stanza contains. I taught 4th grade in MCPS when the first stanza was sung. If the words are offensive, then drop the last stanza. No one cares.

The MeToo Movement is blown out of proportion! Real sexual harassment can be violent and dangerous to both genders!

Time will be better spent on matters that are important, such as teaching English and American history to the immigrant communities.

4 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)

I have lived in District 17 for 20 years and have retired from being a teacher. Additionally, I have run for the House of Delegates prior, thus giving me both the time and experience to be in Annapolis as the Senator from LD 17. I care deeply about our schools, both public and non public. 9 million dollars is a drop in the bucket for non public schools, which could provide a choice for the parents. More than half of the state’s revenue is spent on education, which is the foundation of any society.


Cheryl C. Kagan (incumbent)

• Where you live: Rockville

• Date of birth: July 2, 1961

• Current occupation and employer (may also list up to two other jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: State senator. Outreach & development coordinator at Community Ministries of Rockville. Formerly: founding director of Fund for Montgomery; executive director of the Carl M. Freeman Foundation.

• Political experience (public offices held and when, as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years: State delegate, 1995-2003. Ran for state Senate in 2010. Elected to state Senate in 2014.

• Campaign information:

1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)

I am seeking reelection because:

• Continuity is critical, since between 1/3 and 1/2 of the Democratic Senators won’t return next year. Just two of the eight MoCo Senators will return having served more than one term.

• Maryland needs progressive but independent-minded legislators who can work across party lines.

• My record of effectiveness in Annapolis and in MoCo has made a difference on issues including education, the environment, public safety, and housing.

2 – What is the most important issue in this race and what specific plans do you have to address it? (100 words max)

There are countless key issues facing Maryland — budgetary priorities, environmental protection, transportation infrasctructure, economic development, and ensuring that all students get a top-notch public education. District 17 is the most municipal in the State, comprised of all of Gaithersburg and all of Rockville. Our Senator, therefore, is uniquely qualified to speak out on behalf of issues affecting our 157 cities and towns. Each of the past 4 years, I have been named a “Municipal Superstar” for leading and partnering on issues including Public Information Act reform, Highway User Fund distribution, zoning authority, recycling policy, and more.

3 – What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly and what would you have done differently? (100 words max)

Because 3 people have died in my district when 9-1-1 failed. I have been the outspoken leader on related public safety issues this term. We enacted two of my five bills to guide our transition to “NextGeneration911.” Most critical (and not enacted) was my plan to close the existing funding loophole. Since the current $1 fee covers less than half of the costs of emergency response, our delayed action risks lives in case of a crisis. The Commission my legislation created this year must provide policy recommendations regarding the most effective way of identifying revenues to improve our service.

4 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)

I have worked at the federal, state, and local level and in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Because I served in the House for 8 years (1995-2003) and returned to the community for 12 years before my election to the Senate, I have legislative experience with a fresh perspective. I was awarded the prestigious Newsome Award by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement; named “Legislator of the Year” by the Maryland Association of Counties; “Government Leader of the Year” by the National NextGen 9-1-1 Institute; and inducted into the Circle of Excellence after being a “Top 100 Woman” three times.

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