David Wilson
• Where you live: Poolesville
• Date of birth: June 14, 1963
• Current occupation and employer (may also list up to two other jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: Retired, U.S. Army, lieutenant colonel, Medical Service Corps. Business owner, Response Masters, LLC. Part-time Montgomery County teacher (substitute).
• Political experience (public offices held and when, as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years: No experience in public elected office
• Campaign information:
- email:
- website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- phone: 240-489-1363
1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)
I’m running to make a positive change for Maryland residents. My second combat tour to Iraq in 2004-2005 was to help support the efforts of their free and fair elections. After retiring in Maryland, five years later, and realizing how the gerrymandered districts resulted in political representatives picking voters, instead of the other way around, I decided it was time for me to do my part here at home.
2 – What is the most important issue in this race and what specific plans do you have to address it? (100 words max)
Redistricting! When the people of Maryland get their votes/voices back, they can again have a real say in what happens in their state. Gerrymandering results in your vote being counted, but in reality, it doesn’t really “count.” The outcome is predetermined by political gamesmanship. If you were mad about even the slightest possibility of Russian involvement in U.S. elections, Maryland’s gerrymandering should make you absolutely furious. I support Governor Hogan’s Comprehensive Redistricting Reform Bill. It has the support of Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters alike. This state issue can and should be solved with a real solution — not politics!
3 – What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly and what would you have done differently? (100 words max)
Redistricting reform! The legislative majority ignored the Governor’s Comprehensive Redistricting Reform Bill and, instead, played politics. The Governor’s plan was fair, balanced, independent, and nonpartisan. The legislative majority submitted their own plan, which required five other states to fix their gerrymandering problem before Maryland would fix our own. They called it a “compact,” implying all other states had some level of agreement. That’s not the case at all. One major flaw with the six-state “compact” was it only dealt with Congressional districts. Marylanders deserve better than this. I would have supported Governor Hogan’s Comprehensive Redistricting Reform Bill.
4 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)
My parents have been the perfect example of how to serve others and I learned those lessons well. I served our country for over 23 years as a military officer, completing two combat tours in Iraq. Hard work, leadership, integrity, and honor, are all part of my personal and professional life. Serving as the Command Inspector General for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, I represented one of the largest and most diverse organizations in the military. The position enforced compliance-based requirements, while focused on helping Soldiers and Civilians, and their families to solve their toughest problems.
Brian J. Feldman (incumbent)
• Where you live: Potomac
• Date of birth: Feb. 4, 1961
• Current occupation and employer (may also list up to two other jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: State senator; attorney; adjunct professor
• Political experience (public offices held and when, as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years: State senator, September 2013-present; state delegate, 2003-September 2013
• Campaign information:
- email:
- website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)
To build upon my previous legislative work and successes in the General Assembly in several key subject areas important to the quality of life of my constituents and all Marylanders, including health care, economic development, and investing in our transportation/transit infrastructure.
2 – What is the most important issue in this race and what specific plans do you have to address it? (100 words max)
A critically important issue has to do with stabilizing Maryland’s fragile health insurance market as a result of recent actions taken at the federal level to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, causing skyrocketing premium increases for those purchasing health insurance in the individual market. As the Chair of the Healthcare Subcommittee in the Senate and Co-Chair of Maryland’s Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission, I will be leading the debate in Maryland this year on how best to address this issue in the next legislative session.
3 – What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly and what would you have done differently? (100 words max)
The last redistricting process, which is the subject of litigation now before the United States Supreme Court, was not handled well by the Maryland General Assembly as a whole. In order to take partisan politics out of the process, greater consideration should have been given to the establishment of a nonpartisan, independent, redistricting commission tasked with drawing the Congressional and State Legislative District maps and boundaries.
4 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)
I have served in the Maryland General Assembly for four terms, first in the House of Delegates and currently in the State Senate. I have received numerous honors and have held several leadership positions. Prior to being elected, I served as a U.S. Department of Justice attorney and am currently a Tax Attorney/CPA in private practice. This experience has prepared me to play an enhanced role in the Senate during the next legislative term if I am fortunate and honored to be re-elected.
Hongjun Xin
• Where you live: Potomac
• Date of birth: Sept. 17, 1974
• Current occupation and employer (may also list up to two other jobs you’ve held); if retired, list your last job and employer: Businessman
• Political experience (public offices held and when, as well as unsuccessful campaigns for office and which years: No previous experience
• Campaign information:
- email:
- website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
1 – Why are you running for this office? (75 words max)
I want change and make Montgomery county better. I want the residents’ complaints and voices to be heard.
2 – What is the most important issue in this race and what specific plans do you have to address it? (100 words max)
School safety, school budget planning, healthcare, jobs and local tax issues are my top priorities.
3 – What is one major issue the current Senate has handled poorly and what would you have done differently? (100 words max)
School system and all the issues related tothe school education quality. Poor public school management, poor school lunch, etc.
4 – What experience (work, political or other) has prepared you to hold this office? (100 words max)
I will work with experts and set up a special committee for each topic to solve the problems.