Sherwin-Williams Moving Into Former Home of Pyramid Atlantic in Silver Spring

Paint store posted its sign on the red building

May 3, 2017 3:32 p.m.

The former home to artist studios and pop-up concerts in downtown Silver Spring will become a Sherwin-Williams paint store.

The building’s owner, Harvey Maisel, said Wednesday the store plans to open June 1, or possibly sooner, and will fill the entire 11,250-square-foot building.

Maisel, a developer who owns several buildings in the Silver Spring area, said he and his real estate broker examined a number of options for the space and ultimately decided the paint store was the best match for the location. He also said a nearby Sherwin-Williams location on Piney Branch Road will close.

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The building was the longtime home of Pyramid Atlantic, which specialized in printmaking and book arts. The arts center also featured experimental music shows and provided rental studios to artists. Pyramid Atlantic sold the building to Maisel for $2.5 million in 2014 and then closed the Silver Spring location in 2016 after it failed to strike a deal with Montgomery County to move into a space at the new Silver Spring Library on Wayne Avenue, according to WAMU.

The arts center opened in a new location in Hyattsville in August as an anchor at the city’s Gateway Arts District. Hyattsville officials had encouraged Pyramid Atlantic to locate in the city.

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