The F. Scott Fitzgerald Literary Conference ( cosponsors with the City of Rockville an annual one-day event to honor works by F. Scott Fitzgerald and other prominent American literary artists and to support and encourage emerging writers. The centerpiece of the festival is the F. Scott Fitzgerald Award for Achievement in American Literature, presented to a prominent American writer, who gives a reading and master class. The festival includes workshops, literary talks, panel discussions and a short-story contest.
Serves: Metro region
What a donation buys:
• $200 covers the cost of a short story contest judge.
• $500 provides an honorarium and expenses for the keynote speaker.
• $1,000 provides an honorarium and expenses for the recipient of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Award for Achievement in American Literature.
Volunteer opportunities:
• One day and ongoing: Assist with publicity and marketing at monthly Board of Directors meetings.
• One day and ongoing: Assist with administrative duties at the annual festival.