Latin American Youth Center / Maryland Multicultural Youth Centers

October 27, 2016 1:30 p.m.

Latin American Youth Center / Maryland Multicultural Youth Centers ( reaches 4,500 at-risk youths in the region through job readiness training, paid internships, work experience, GED instruction, college preparation, case management, mentoring and leadership development. LAYC helped 165 county teens obtain paid summer internships in 2015 at local businesses, government offices and nonprofits.

Serves: Washington, D.C.; Montgomery and Prince George’s counties

What a donation buys:

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• $250 provides public transportation fare cards for three young people to attend a year’s worth of counseling sessions or other programs.

• $1,000 allows 20 youths to take the GED exam.

• $10,000 pays for computer training (Microsoft certification) that will help youths from low-income families gain skills needed for jobs in their chosen career paths.

Volunteer opportunities:

• One day: Become a motivational guest speaker to the youth program, discussing careers, financial literacy, parenting skills, etc.

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• Weekly: Tutor a high school or GED student one to two times a week on academic subjects (background clearance required).

• Internships

• Student Service Learning hours

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