Bethesda Cares

October 27, 2016 1:31 p.m.

Bethesda Cares ( helps people suffering chronic homelessness find paths to safe, permanent housing, while also easing their lives through its Drop-In Center, daily hot meal program, clothing closet and mental health services. Bethesda Cares also works directly with landlords and utility companies to prevent low-income residents from spiraling into homelessness.

Serves: Montgomery County

What a donation buys:

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$250 provides hot, nutritious meals for 41 people.

$1,000 serves as a security deposit for a newly-housed client.

$10,000 sponsors five months of psychiatric support for dozens of chronically homeless individuals battling mental illness or needing some extra emotional support.

Volunteer opportunities

One day: Organize a drive for socks, coffee, tea, non-perishable food, seasonal clothing and toiletries.

Face of the Week

Ongoing: Prepare and/or serve hot, nutritious meals for neighbors at risk of hunger, or create bagged lunches for clients to take with them.


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