The Association of Vietnamese Americans ( provides linguistically and culturally appropriate services to isolated Vietnamese-American seniors, parents, youths and immigrants of all nationalities seeking citizenship. It assists more than 140 youths, parents and seniors annually with case management, tutoring and referral services.
Serves: Maryland
What a donation buys:
• $250 provides three hours of tutoring for 10 youths at a local library.
• $1,000 covers the cost of outreach to 300 isolated individuals.
• $10,000 supports the salary for one staff member to provide 600 hours of services to clients, including translation, health care referrals, and help with housing/food applications.
Volunteer opportunities:
• One-day: Provide support for special events (e.g. Tet Lunar New Year Festival).
• Weekly: Provide assistance to senior citizens needing translation services.
• Internships
• Student Service Learning hours