No Charges Yet in Rockville Dog Case; Chevy Chase Utility Work to Begin Soon

News, announcements and other helpful links for Tuesday morning

January 5, 2016 8:17 a.m.

No charges yet for owner of dogs seized in Rockville

The owner of 66 dogs seized from a Rockville-area home on New Year’s Day could face cruelty, abuse and neglect charges, although the individual has not been charged yet. The dogs, taken from a home on Glen Mill Road, are being held at a Montgomery County animal shelter, but it could be weeks before they will be available for adoption as the police investigation continues. [WUSA9]

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Rockville post-election forums scheduled

Rockville’s Board of Supervisors of Elections will hold two forums to discuss the November 2015 election and how the process can be improved for the 2019 election. The forums take place from 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 23 and from 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 4. [City of Rockville]

Chevy Chase utility work meeting to take place Wednesday

Officials from Washington Gas and the WSSC will host an informational meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. to detail a major gas main replacement project that’s scheduled to begin in the spring and will likely be noisy and impact traffic. [Town of Chevy Chase]

DLC retail stores hit new sales record

Face of the Week

The Montgomery County-run retail liquor stores set a new December sales record this year, netting $17.1 million in sales, 5.2 percent more than the sales total from December 2014. Nearly 10 percent of December 2015 total, $1.6 million, came from Christmas Eve sales. [Twitter]

Germantown Catholic church fires man after finding out he’s gay

The former cantor at Mother Seton Roman Catholic Church in Germantown said he was fired from his position after members of the church found out he is married to another man. [Washington Blade]

Freezing temperatures today

The high Tuesday is expected to be a sunny 31 degrees with a nighttime low of 17.

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