(Updated Friday at 1:20 p.m.) Repairs of the partially collapsed storm drain that led to the closure of a Bethesda road last week will keep one lane of the road closed for up to six months.
According to the Montgomery County Transportation Department’s Division of Highway Services, a storm drain culvert under Hillandale Road roadway was found to be degraded last Thursday. That led to the county closing the northbound lane of Hillandale Road between Little Falls Parkway and Willet Parkway.
On Friday, MCDOT said crews will be replacing the pipe that carries part of the Willett Branch creek under the road.
The closure cuts off access to the Bethesda Swimming Pool (6300 Little Falls Parkway) and Willet Parkway from the south. Detour signage has been set up to direct drivers to northbound Arlington Road, eastbound Bradley Boulevard and then southbound Hillandale Road.
For more information contact MCDOT’s Jeff Knutsen (jeff[dot]knutsen[at]montgomerycountymd[dot]gov) or Josh Faust at 240-777-7642.
UPDATED: Lane Of Hillandale Road To Remain Closed For Months