A fire destroyed a playground at St. Paul Park on Plyers Mill Road in Kensington, and fire officials are asking the public for help to determine what or who caused it.
“It’s still an open investigation,” said fire department spokesman Pete Piringer. “The leading theory is that it was set.”
Piringer said firefighters found no obvious sources of ignition near the playground and that neighbors saw some activity in the area before the fire.
Piringer said the fire happened around 11 p.m. Monday. Piringer later released pictures that show the playground engulfed in flames and afterwards a melted mess.
Firefighters are asking anyone with information related to the fire to call 240-777-2263.
Kensington Playground fire under investigation, #mcfrs FFs responded Mon nite around 11p, Any INFO call 240.777.2263 pic.twitter.com/aJNQ13GkFd
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) October 21, 2014