Changing Her Story

As she neared her 60th birthday, former ABC News reporter Jackie Judd decided to take charge of her health. She's lost 85 pounds and never felt better.

October 21, 2014 1:59 p.m.

Work It Out

By Jackie Judd

It’s never too late to start moving. Trainer Jean Simons, founder of Wellness for Women, says clients 60 and older who begin exercising two to three times a week probably will see positive changes in three months. Here are five local health and fitness clubs offering programs geared toward older adults:

Curves, 1614 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, 301-468-3991, The Curves program focuses on circuit training using 13 pieces of resistance equipment. Nearly all of franchise owner Karen Landfair’s members are women over 55, and many come for pre- and postsurgical strengthening. One client was able to return to a limited regimen of exercises just four weeks after knee-replacement surgery because of her conditioning before the operation.

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Fit 4 Life DC, 4400 Jenifer St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C., 202-363-7111, Owner Brian Richey says the focus at Fit 4 Life is one-on-one training and small classes. Most clients come in with medical issues that need attention, including spinal problems and hip replacements. A new series of classes called Back to Life focuses on building strength and flexibility in hips, shoulders and knees, areas that often cause problems for older adults.

Fitness Together, 6708 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 301, Bethesda, 301-656-3904, Most services are geared toward one-on-one training, and many members are working on rehabilitation following an injury or surgery. Small classes are also offered; the Flow PACK class moves at a modest pace and focuses on stretching and foam rolling, which helps loosen muscles and relieve tension.  

Rock Creek Sports Club, 8325 Grubb Road, Silver Spring, 301-587-4447, www.rockcreeksportsclub. Classes are aimed at improving strength, flexibility, bone density and balance. The Senior Strength class, which focuses on light strength training, is designed for people with a limited range of motion. Another class, Fit for Life, is geared toward baby boomers who are in relatively good shape.

Washington Sports Club, 6828 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, 301-654-1990, Classes in the SilverSneakers Fitness for Seniors program, designed for Medicare-eligible members, range from yoga to water workouts. A trainer at this Bethesda location specializes in working with clients 55 and older.

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