Business Notes: Pop-up Furniture Store Coming to Bethesda

Plus: Business owners sought for transportation committee; cupcakery closes

October 14, 2014 7:40 a.m.

Furniture pop-up store coming to Norfolk Avenue – A temporary furniture store is moving in to the empty Douglas Development space at 7920 Norfolk Ave. in Bethesda, according to Bethesda blogger Robert Dyer. The store will occupy the space from Oct. 17 through Jan. 3 and sell items including couches, chairs, shelving units and paintings. The space near the Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery in downtown Bethesda has been vacant since Berry Yogurt closed in March.

Business owners sought for bus rapid transit advisory committees – The Maryland State Highway Administration and Montgomery County Department of Transportation are looking for business owners and local residents to serve on committees that will help plan bus rapid transit (BRT) routes on Route 29 and Rockville Pike in the county. Business owners are asked to submit their nomination forms to their respective Chamber of Commerce, which will then make recommendations to the agencies for business representatives. Nomination forms can be found online here and are due by Nov. 21.

Calvert Investments hires new CEO – John Streur will take over next year as the CEO of Calvert Investments, a Bethesda-based investment management company. The company named Streur as the new CEO on Monday; he replaces outgoing CEO Barbara Krumsiek, who has led the investment firm for 17 years and will stay on the company’s board. Streur comes to the firm from Portland, Ore., where he was president of Portfolio 21, a boutique investment firm that specializes in environmental investing. Streur told the Washington Business Journal that he plans to focus on investing in socially responsible companies that care about the environment and diversity. Calvert was founded in 1976 and manages more than $12.5 billion in assets, according to the firm’s website.

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Fraiche Cupcakery closes at Wildwood shopping center – Fraiche Cupcakery, a bakery and smoothie bar in the Wildwood shopping center on Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda, announced its closing last week on its Facebook page. The bakery thanked its customers  and said “we will certainly miss baking for and serving our community with sweetness.” The business opened about three years ago, according to Bethesda Now, which first reported the closure.

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