Could Elrich Be Out Of Influential Committee Position? — The Washington Post’s Bill Turque wonders if Councilmember Marc Elrich may be left off the Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee come next year. The move may come after Elrich supported Beth Daly to supplant one of his three at-large Council colleagues in June’s Democratic primary. The other three incumbent at-large members all won and one of them, George Leventhal, will likely be president of the Council next year and have a big say in committee assignments. [Washington Post]
Weekend Metrorail Service For Columbus Day — Metrorail will operate at Saturday service intervals on Monday, meaning trains every 6-12 minutes during the day. Parking at Metro-owned lots and garages is free on the holiday. Montgomery County government does not close for Columbus Day, so all county-owned parking lots and meters will require payment.
Council, Police To Discuss Officers In High Schools — After significant cuts during the recession, county leaders this year put enough money back into the budget to fund a police officer in each high school, also known as a School Resource Officer. Police officials will be at the County Council’s Public Safety Committee meeting on Monday morning to discuss the program. [Montgomery County Council]
White Flint Walking Tour Rescheduled — Because of rain, the Friends of White Flint rescheduled its walking tour of the area set for Saturday for Saturday, Oct. 25. Former Gov. Parris Glendening is still set to join the group to look at what’s working, what’s not working and what’s coming for roads and development. [Friends of White Flint]