Taste of Bethesda – Saturday – Woodmont Triangle
Try dozens of local restaurants all at once at Taste of Bethesda. The event along Norfolk, Auburn, Del Ray, St. Elmo and Cordell Avenues in Woodmont Triangle features the cuisine of 60 local restaurants, live entertainment and kid’s activities. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and tickets cost $5 for a bundle of four. Food costs between one to four tickets. You can find a list of restaurants and the food they plan to offer here.
Rescue Day – Saturday – Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad, 5020 Battery Lane, Bethesda
Timed to coincide with Taste of Bethesda, Rescue Day features fire and rescue activities and displays at the B-CC Rescue Squad. Firefighters will conduct live demonstrations of emergency situations, medical care and firefighting equipment. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the rescue squad’s headquarters on Battery Lane.
Firefighters conduct a demonstration at a prior Rescue Day. Credit: B-CC Rescue Squad
Back to Bethesda Car Show – Saturday – Chevy Chase Acura, 7725 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda
See classic cars, vintage motorcycles and Batman at the Back to Bethesda Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show and Family Day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Camaros, Lamborghinis and vintage Fords are already inside the showroom at Chevy Chase Acura. Batman is scheduled to appear with his Batmobile from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kids’ activities include a moonbounce and a hip-hop dance performance on the Cheltenham stage. The event coincides with the Taste of Bethesda festivities and proceeds raised go to benefit the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health.
Classic cars and motorcycles could be found inside Chevy Chase Acura on Thursday evening. Credit: Andrew Metcalf
Oktoberfest at the Kentlands – Sunday afternoon – Kentlands, Gaithersburg
Come out for a traditional beer garden, wine tastings and food vendors at the 23rd annual Kentlands’ Oktoberfest this Sunday. The City of Gaithersrburg is sponsoring the event runs from noon to 5 p.m. at Kentlands Village Green, Kentlands Mansion, Main Street and Market Square. There will be multiple performances on six different stages include the Alte Kameraden German Band and the Alt-Washingtonia Bavarian Dancers. Activities include apple cider pressing, horse-drawn wagon rides and arts and crafts. Admission and parking for the event are free.