Two Metro Escalators Down, Three To Go — Metro on Monday announced the two new mezzanine-to-platform escalators at the Bethesda Metro station were installed and operational, just as work on one of three bus bay-to-mezzanine escalators got started. [Metro]
Cabbies Protest ‘Rental Fees’ For Cabs — Montgomery County cab drivers with the Montgomery County Professional Drivers Union drove slowly along Rockville Pike to the County Executive Office Building in Rockville on Monday. There, they tried to tell county officials that their cab companies were charging unfair rates for use of the cars. Most drivers rent their cabs from the companies they drive for at rates that can cost as much as $110 day, according to a union official. Montgomery County regulates meter rates for taxis but not rental rates or salaries for cab company employees. Barwood Taxi, the county’s largest cab company, told a Gazette reporter the company wouldn’t comment because mediation is ongoing. [The Gazette]
All Public Information Requests Of MoCo Will Be Made Public — Saying it’s the first local jurisdiction to do so, Montgomery County on Monday announced it will publish all Maryland Public Information Act requests made of county government officials. All FOIA-type requests will be added to a database on the county’s dataMontgomery site. Some published so far include a request for the county’s solid waste contracts and tax lien surplus records. [Montgomery County Council] [dataMontgomery]
Flickr photo by ehpien