POLL: Bethesda, Chevy Chase Or Washington, D.C.?

October 6, 2014 2:00 p.m.

Do you tell people you’re from Bethesda, Chevy Chase or Washington D.C.?

According to the website Gawker, you’re not lying if you’re from Bethesda and say you’re from D.C. Inspired by a New Republic article titled “Don’t Say You’re From the City If You’re Really From the ‘Burbs,” Gawker decided to ask its readers where the “real borders” are of some of the country’s biggest cities.

Based on that input, Gawker determined you’re allowed to say you’re from Washington, D.C. if you live anywhere inside the Capital Beltway.

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That means Bethesda, Chevy Chase and parts of Silver Spring, but not other parts of Silver Spring, Rockville and that still hard-to-define place known as North Bethesda.

So, if you live in Bethesda or Chevy Chase, do you tell people from out-of-town you’re from Bethesda or Chevy Chase? Or do you go with D.C.? Perhaps you use “Washington” as a way to describe the larger Washington, D.C. region?

Let us know in the poll and comments section below.

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