Morning Notes

October 3, 2014 9:00 a.m.

Students Eat Free At ShopHouse — ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen (4820 Bethesda Ave.) is offering all students with a valid student ID a free bowl and soda from 4 p.m. to close on Wednesday, Oct. 8. It’s part of the Chipotle spin-off’s month-long study break promotion. Students will get a free soda all October with the purchase of a bowl. [ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen]

Westbard Survey Time — The Planning Department has put out an online survey looking for what issues residents are most interested in during the Westbard Sector Plan rewrite, which could mean new development patterns for the area near River Road and Westbard Avenue. [Planning Department]

Pancake House Takes Walk & Ride Challenge — The team from The Original Pancake House won this year’s Walk & Ride Challenge with members walking an average of 273,814 steps during their commutes over a three-week period. The event is meant to encourage the use of alternative transportation modes. The winners will get a prize package including a $125 Amazon gift card and gift basket donated by Bradley Food & Beverage. [Bethesda Transportation Solutions]

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West Antique Row Sidewalk Sale — A group of design and antique shops along Kensington’s Howard Avenue will have an outdoor sale from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday (4228 Howard Ave.). [On the Purple Couch]

Flickr photo by ehpien

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