FBI Flooded With Tips About Bradford Bishop — Since putting suspected murderer Bradford Bishop on its “Ten Most Wanted” list in April, the FBI has received about 350 reports of possible sightings. One put Bishop in Cambodia. It wasn’t him. Another had him as a dead man found floating off the coast of Mexico. DNA samples proved it wasn’t him. One Bishop look-alike provided fingerprints to prove his identity and once he was cleared, asked investigators for a Bishop flyer as a souvenir. [The Gazette]
Council Set To Approve Public Campaign Financing, But Will It Work? — The County Council will likely pass a public campaign financing bill on Tuesday, setting up the system for County Council and county executive candidates. The history of other local campaign finance bills is mixed, with many making little difference and some just serving to increase the amount of donations from special interest-backed PACs. [Washington Post]
What The Bethesda Purple Line Station Will Look Like — MTA Purple Line project manager Mike Madden explained what the Bethesda Purple Line station will look like, barring another go at trying to redevelop the Apex Building above. [Seventh State]