Report: Rockville Hockey Coach Sentenced for Stealing Wallets from Locker Rooms

Barry Fig admitted to stealing wallets from locker rooms in Montgomery, Fairfax, Arlington and Prince George's counties

September 25, 2014 10:00 a.m.

A Rockville hockey coach who pilfered wallets from area hockey rinks has been sentenced to 14 months in prison after pleading guilty in Montgomery County Circuit Court to a variety of theft charges on Tuesday.

WJLA reports that Barry Fig, 36, a Winston Churchill High School graduate, was a well-liked figure in the local hockey community, which allowed him easy access to locker rooms as he stole wallets between November 2012 and March 2013.

Fig apologized in court and said an addiction to Adderall fueled his crime spree, according to the WJLA  report. He took the wallets after sneaking into locker rooms wearing a baseball cap as a disguise. Fig stole about $800 in cash and also took credit cards, which he used to charge more than $13,000 in fraudulent purchases, according to WJLA.

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As part of his sentencing, Fig won’t be able to return to the ice rinks he stole from, including Cabin John Ice Rink in Bethesda, once he’s released, the report said.


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