Morning Notes

September 19, 2014 9:00 a.m.

Correction: The majority of the County Council decided not to pursue an Apex building redevelopment deal. Once a majority indicated agreement with County Executive Isiah Leggett’s recommendation, a vote wasn’t necessary, according to Councilmember Roger Berliner. An earlier report inaccurately stated the majority of the Council was for Apex building redevelopment.

Majority Of Council Against Purple Line Station Deal — A majority of the Council agreed with County Executive Isiah Leggett’s opinion not to proceed with a deal to build the optimal Bethesda Purple Line station design.

Talk Like A Pirate Day At California Tortilla — Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day, which is good for chips and queso fans because talking like a pirate could net you a free order of each at the Bethesda California Tortilla (4871 Cordell Ave.). Talk like one on Friday while ordering, and the CalTor staff will hook you up. [California Tortilla]

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Popular Food Truck To Team Up With Dietle’s — Hank Dietle’s Tavern (11010 Rockville Pike) will soon offer barbecue from David Cornblatt of the popular Curley’s Q food truck. Cornblatt will start operating out of the landmark bar’s small kitchen next week. It will be the first time (perhaps ever) that Dietle’s Tavern will offer food. The bar has Montgomery County beer and wine license No. 001. [Bethesda Magazine]

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