Morning Notes

September 17, 2014 9:05 a.m.

Bethesda Business Builds Salt Cave For Therapy — Janine Narayadu had a salt cave built in her Montgomery Lane space to provide therapy to those suffering from asthma, allergies and other breathing conditions. The cave was made with 32 tons of pink Himalayan salt rocks that were ground into the floor or arranged in rock crystal formations on the walls and ceiling. The 45-minute sessions in the 390-square-foot room go for $45 and $15 for kids. [ABC7]

Comptroller Blasts Montgomery County’s Liquor Model — Comptroller Peter Franchot called Montgomery County’s control system for distributing alcohol “medieval” and criticized the county employees who work in the Department of Liquor Control’s central warehouse. Franchot, a Takoma Park resident, has said before he thinks Montgomery County should ditch its Department of Liquor Control. [MyMCMedia]

Town Of Chevy Chase Mayor On Purple Line Costs — Town of Chevy Chase Mayor Kathy Strom penned a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post that claims costs on the Purple Line light rail project “have jumped by more than $1.4 billion already.” The project is now estimated to cost more than $2.4 billion. The Town is officially opposed to the light rail. Strom wrote that “all taxpayers should object to this project, which is nothing more than a financial black hole.” [Town of Chevy Chase]

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Bethesda Woman Busted For Stealing Booze — Bethesda resident Brooke Chrzan was arrested in Arlington for allegedly breaking in to numerous apartments and drinking residents’ liquor. Chrzan worked at as a front desk concierge at the building. [ARLnow]

Flickr pool photo by rzulta rzaba

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