Republican Executive Candidate Wants Democratic Votes — Republican county executive candidate Jim Shalleck knows he needs votes from Democrats and independents to even come close in his race against incumbent Isiah Leggett. So Shalleck is asking for the votes of those Democrats who supported Leggett’s two primary opponents — Doug Duncan and Phil Andrews. [The Gazette]
Duncan Lands New Gig — Speaking of Duncan, the former three-term county executive landed a new job as president and CEO of Leadership Greater Washington, which has more than 1,500 members leading government, business and nonprofit organizations in the Washington area. [Washington Business Journal]
Marriott Wants You To Tip Your Housekeeper — Bethesda-based Marriott will start a campaign this week to get guests to tip their housekeepers called “The Envelope Please.” The vast majority of Marriott’s housekeepers and maids aren’t unionized, which means they likely get paid close to the national average median salary of $9.51 per hour. [Washington Post]
Apex Building Deal In The Works? — The County Council on Tuesday is scheduled to hold a closed session on the Bethesda Purple Line station, described as “for the purpose of considering acquisition of real property for a public purpose.” The county is trying to incentivize the pharmacists’ trade group that owns the building to sell it to a developer, so the state can build a more expansive Purple Line station underneath. [Montgomery County Council]
Flickr pool photo by rzulta rzaba