Purple Line Cost Projection Goes Up Again — The projected cost of the Purple Line has risen $56 million to a total of $2.43 billion, according to a Federal Transit Administration report from July. Purple Line officials said they didn’t publicize the latest cost increase because it was considered a “minor adjustment.” The previous cost increase was more than $200 million. [Washington Post]
Councilmembers Want Drone Policy — At a Public Safety Committee briefing on Thursday, members of the County Council said they wanted police and fire leaders to draw up a policy governing the use of small drones by their departments. The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service already has three of the devices. All cost less than $1,000 each and could be used to monitor heavy fires, changing water currents or other emergency situations from above. [Bethesda Magazine]
Fizzling Democratic Fundraising? — David Lublin, observer of local politics and author of the Seventh State blog, says the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee recently paid for a campaign of more than 70,000 robocalls that received a tepid response and raised very little in campaign contributions for Democratic candidates. Lublin wrote that the Committee also paid for an unsuccessful direct mail campaign and indicated the fundraising efforts were the idea of new Chair Kevin Walling. [Seventh State]
5K Fundraiser For Local Special Olympics Chapter — The Bar Association of Montgomery County will host a 5K run/2K walk to raise money for the Special Olympics Maryland Montgomery County, which provides athletic training and competition for local children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The event is set for Sunday, Sept. 28 at Georgetown Prep (10900 Rockville Pike.) [Special Olympics Maryland Montgomery County]
Flickr pool photo by Shane Jager