Apartment Utility Construction to Affect Auto, Pedestrian Traffic on Norfolk

Prepare yourself for more traffic and pedestrian issues in Woodmont Triangle

September 11, 2014 9:55 a.m.

Construction crews working on the 7770 Norfolk Avenue have shut down Norfolk today to begin work on utility extensions for the building.

A notice sent to nearby buildings on Aug. 29 said the work would take about seven weeks and include automobile and pedestrian detours on the stretch of Norfolk between Fairmont Avenue and Woodmont Avenue.

The construction was scheduled to begin last week, but was delayed, and is now beginning this week, according to Jason Klippel of Ross Development and Investment, a firm working on the building.

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The work, according to Klippel, involved “installation of wet utility piping and extensions to 7770 Norfolk. The work includes deep utility connection necessitating automobile and pedestrian detours.”

Klippel said Norfolk as well as Fairmont will be intermittently closed near the building after 9 a.m. to conduct the construction.

The 7770 Norfolk building is being developed by The JBG Companies and Ross. Once finished it will include 244 apartments. Construction in the area has already led to local business and pedestrian issues, particularly on Fairmont Avenue.

The area that will be affected by the utility work. Picture via Ross Development.

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