Councilmembers Hope To Ban Styrofoam In Restaurants — Councilmembers George Leventhal and Hans Riemer on Tuesday will introduce a bill that would ban the use of styrofoam for packaging food and drink in most restaurants and take out places. A number of cities have enacted similar bans. [Montgomery County Council]
Uber Called, Left A Message — Patrick Lacefield, spokesperson for County Executive Isiah Leggett, said app-based car service Uber called the county on Friday and left a message saying the company is in negotiations with the Maryland Public Service Commission to continue doing business in Maryland. The call came in response to a letter from the director of the county’s Department of Transportation seeking explanation as to why Uber was seemingly operating as a taxi company without proper taxi licensing.
Documentary At Suburban Hospital — Suburban Hospital (8600 Old Georgetown Rd.) will host a special presentation of the award-winning documentary “Invisible Threat,” on Thursday, Sept. 18. The film looks at how fears and misperceptions have led some parents to not vaccinate their children. Following the documentary, some of the hospital’s vaccine experts will take part in a discussion. [Suburban Hospital]
Glen Echo Art Walk — Meet the artists at the Glen Echo Art Glass Center on Friday, Sept. 12 and learn how to create glass art pieces. [Glen Echo Park]
Flickr photo by ehpien