Thousands Of MCPS Middle Schoolers Miss Vaccination Deadline — About 4,200 of the 11,000 seventh grade students in MCPS missed the deadline to prove they received immunizations for meningococcal, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. MCPS is giving students and their families another 20 days to meet the new state requirements. If the student still doesn’t have the proper records, they won’t be allowed to attend school. [The Gazette]
Silver Spring Man Dies In Apparent Climbing Accident — Police say Rian Avarham Khalder, 25, of Silver Spring, was killed Sunday after a portion of rocks gave way while he was climbing on a trail near Great Falls. [Montgomery County Police]
Sanitation Workers To Press Leggett For Health Insurance Bill — Workers at Potomac Disposal and Unity Disposal, the two major Montgomery County contractors handling trash and recycling pick-up, will hold a demonstration on Tuesday at County Executive Isiah Leggett’s office in Rockville. The workers went on strike last year to protest what they said was a lack of fair pay or affordable health insurance. Since then, the union representing the workers says it’s been discussing a bill that would ensure affordable health care with the County Council, but Leggett has withheld support.
Flickr photo by rzulta rzaba