The Lenkin Company unveiled their sketch plan for a proposed 16-story apartment complex on St. Elmo Avenue at a community meeting Monday evening.
Previously, a land-use attorney detailed its proposal for the apartments to be built beside the recently opened Bainbridge Bethesda building on Fairmont Ave. According to the proposal, the new building, now being called the St. Elmo Apartments, would be similar to the recently-completed Bainbridge building.
The lot, where the proposed building would be constructed, is currently occupied by the Lenkin Company's offices as well as two local restaurants and a parking lot.
A central feature of the sketch plan is the inclusion of a pedestrian walk-through, similar to the Bainbridge building. Steve Robins, the land-use attorney announced that conversations had begun with Bainbridge about the possibility of combining the adjacent lot’s open ground to create a fluid public space.
The meeting included presentations from Robins, as well as representatives from the architecture and landscape architecture firm associated with the project. The common theme across all the presentations was the idea of creating a timeless look that will fit into the community.
The proposed building would have 210 residential units and the possibility of utilizing the building’s second level as office space. The company is planning to construct a total of about 15,500 square feet of first-floor retail and second-floor office space.
While the sketch plan was unveiled at the meeting all the involved parties were insistent that this was only the beginning of the approval process and that it could be years before construction begins.
Following the presentation portion of the meeting the floor was opened up to questions from the attendants.
One main concern from local merchants was the issue of local traffic and parking. This was anticipated by the Lenkin Company who informed attendees that their plan intends to provide approximately 220 parking spaces within a four-level underground parking structure.
Though there is still many uncertainties about the project, and a long journey before they can break ground, residents and merchants are cautiously optimistic about the new development.
“This looks like a good way to begin, with the participation and feedback, it looks as if it is going to go well,” ,” said Jill Martin, owner of Gallery St. Elmo a local business located on the same block as the proposed building project. “However, having lived through the Bainbridge construction project for the last three years I can tell you there are a lot of negatives as well.”
The lot where The Lenkin Company is planning to construct the building. Credit: Andrew Metcalf
A sketch of the proposed building presented at Monday night's meeting. Credit: Lauren Patton