Morning Notes

August 18, 2014 8:05 a.m.

Montgomery’s First Cycle Track Could Be Coming To White Flint — Bikeway improvements for Woodglen Drive in White Flint were supposed to be completed almost a year ago. But after delays in the process, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation is now proposing the county’s first-ever cycle track for the stretch of road. The cycle track would be a two-way bike lane separated from street parking and traffic by a 2-3-foot striped buffer with plastic posts on the west side of Woodglen Drive between Edson Lane and Nicholson Lane. MCDOT is talking with the developer of Woodglen Drive between Nicholson Lane and Marinelli Road to continue the cycle track there. [Friends of White Flint]

The Beltway Turns 50 — The final piece of the Capital Beltway was opened to traffic on Aug. 17, 1964. It took five minutes for the first traffic jam, thanks to the thousands who gathered for the inaugural ceremony and then got in their cars. [Washingtonian Magazine]

Local Political Officials Talk Increasing Voter Turnout — Local politicians and Democratic part officials share ideas for increasing voter turnout, almost two months after dismal turnout for the June gubernatorial primary. Ideas include opening up the primary to independent voters, more candidate slates (which could lead to less campaign mail) and reaching out to newly registered voters when they register, not just before an election. [Silver Spring Inc.]

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MCPS Publishes New Code Of Conduct — MCPS has published a new code of conduct aimed in part at reducing the number of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions and that also gives administrators some discretion in determining consequences for poor behavior. [The Gazette]

Flickr photo by Jess J

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