Montgomery County Public Schools is looking for more donations to its backpack and school supplies campaign as the first day of school approaches.
The backpacks, to be filled with school supplies, will be given out at the start of the 2014-2015 school year (Monday, Aug. 26) to students in need.
MCPS says it has raised about $153,000 through its Give BACKpacks campaign, which will provide more than 17,000 backpacks to students at 43 county schools.
Almost 52,000 MCPS students receive free and reduced-price meals, an indicator of poverty. The Give BACKpacks campaign started last year and brought in more than $100,000 for backpacks and supplies for about 15,000 students.
On Monday, MCPS said it was looking for more help for this year’s campaign. The school system has gotten large donations from the Educational Systems Federal Credit Union ($25,000), Montgomery County Council of PTAs ($8,000), Wegmans ($7,500) and Capital One Bank ($6,500).
The school system says a $10 donation will provide for one backpack filled with school supplies, $300 would provide backpacks for a class, $6,500 would set up a school and $25,000 or more would provide backpacks for an entire cluster. Donations of all sizes are welcome.
For more information, visit the campaign website.