Chef Tony’s, PizzaPass Buildings Could Be Gone — A proposal for a 16-story apartment development includes the St Elmo Avenue properties that house Chef Tony’s and Pizza Pass. The project likely wouldn’t break ground until at least 2016. [Bethesda Magazine]
MCPS Projects 2,864 One-Year Jump In Student Enrollment — There will be 2,864 more students enrolled in MCPS this school year than last school year, the largest one-year increase for the system in more than a decade. MCPS says consistent enrollment increases since 2007 have led to a school capacity crisis. [Washington Post]
More Fashion On Bethesda Row — A Kate Spade store will be coming to Bethesda Row, which has become a magnet for women’s clothing boutiques. [The Gazette]
Flooding Leaves Some Roads Closed — Heavy rains on Tuesday have left some roads closed into Wednesday, including a section of Kensington Parkway and Beach Drive between Cedar Lane and Connecticut Avenue. Park Police have jurisdiction over many of the roads subject to flooding from Rock Creek. [Montgomery Parks via Twitter]